Friday, October 19, 2007

poor people would make propaganda too if they could afford it

IRS data shows the income gap growing. The last time rich people hoarded so much of the country's wealth, Americans were pissed off about it. Through unions and politics they fought for the money. Now they don't. Slate asks why we're so complacent. The article suggests it's because we "feel we can do so little about it." I think we're actually less angry, and the reason is that the rich have mounted a fantastic PR campaign-- way more compelling than back when Rockefeller would just give away money. Consider some 2007 TV shows:
  • Big Shots tells us that billionaire CEO's spend the majority of their time pining over middle-aged women. Half of them are cuckolds.
  • On Brothers & Sisters, a rich Los Angeles family of four businesspeople, a corporate lawyer, and a Republican political operative nurses their youngest: a wounded Iraq war veteran.
  • Grey's Anatomy illustrates that the upper tier of the medical profession is dominated by women and racial minorities.
  • On Gossip Girl, decadence is a symptom of weak family structure. It's much better to be poor, because then your father will be in a band and cook well.

You guys, rich people are so vulnerable. How could you begrudge them their bank accounts? It's all they have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

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